Services Listing
Mental Health Services
Our outpatient therapy and counseling services offer a dynamic process in which therapists help individuals live their best lives.
Peer Support
Our Peer Recovery Support uses their own personal lived experience to assist individuals in working on their desired goals, often assisting people in developing coping skills, building support networks, and developing other needed life skills.
Psychiatric Services
Our psychiatry services involve providing a range of services including psychiatric evaluations, therapy, patient education and medication management.
Group Therapy
We offer various group therapies for Relapse Prevention, Mindfulness, Anger Management, and more.
Integrated Health Home (IHH)
IHH provides care coordination, advocacy, and support for you and/or your family. Our team will help you and your family manage whole health including: physical, behavioral, and social
Crossroads is now offering tele-counseling to increase accessibility and transportation barriers for clients to meet with a therapist.
Justice Involved Services
When people are involved or at risk for involvement in the criminal justice system, or court ordered for treatment, Justice Involved Services with Crossroads can help them get the services they need to stay in the community and take care of their health.
BHIS is a voluntary program offered to help families and children manage mental health challenges.
Community Support Services
Community Support Services (CSS) are available to adults with severe and persistent mental illness. Community Support Services is here to support individuals as they live and work in the community. Individuals are typically seen face to face once a month and contacted by phone at least once per month.
Problem Gambling
Services include individual, group and family counseling to address problem gambling.
OWI Evaluations
Crossroads offers substance abuse evaluations for those charged with Operating While Intoxicated. There is a set fee for OWI/DUI Evaluations that is consistent with fees state-wide.
Substance Use Disorder Services
We offer a comprehensive approach utilizing evidence-based treatment to meet the needs of the individuals, families and our communities.